Based on our Best understanding we categorized Individual Layouts in sub-marketplace.
[Layout – 1] Suitable for (Garments Manufacturer / Garments Wholesaler / Garments Retailers / Garments Multi Brand Store / Boutique / showroom / shops/ Garden Management/ Landscape Design / Event Management / Dealer/Consultant/Doctors / Beautician / Parlour / Mechanic / Car/Bike Technician / Floweriest / Farmers / Hawkers / Street Seller / Painter / Artists / cart Seller / Hotel / Event organizing service / Writing business / Dance and Music / Mobile phone repair store / Delivery Boys / Not-For-Profit organization / Orphanage / Schools / House Wife / Retire Professionals / Shoe-slippers makers / Housing and Real Estate / Media and Entertainment / Tours - Travel - Logistics) and Many More...
[Layout – 2] Suitable for (Restaurant / Food Delivery Boy / Breakfast café / Coffee café / Tea Stall / Beverage / HouseWife / Home makers/ Chef / Startups / run business from home) and Many More...
[Layout – 3] MarketPlace Suitable for (Crockery / Food / Vegetables / Fruits / Grocery/ Milk – Bread / Medicine / Furniture / Meat / Fish / Vegan / Toys / Baby Care / Sweets – Chocolate – Candy / Sports / School Supply / Games Equipment / Pre-Owned / Electronic gadgets / Buy-Sell) and Many More...